Quick Pick-Me-Ups: Healthy Energy Boosts You Can Get at Work

woman with chosen dietary food

If you need the extra push because it’s crunch time, or you’re still nursing a hangover from the night before, a quick energy boost is necessary to make sure you’re on top of your tasks. Sure, caffeine can be a great way to keep you awake, but it might make you even more sleepy than before you downed a cup.

Below are more natural ways than energy drinks to keep you alert and focused at work.

Getting a Healthy Dose of Fat and Carbs

You might be thinking that consuming lots of carbs and sugar will give you energy that would last you the whole day. It’s literally more “complex” than that. If you want to keep yourself sharp during work, you need to eat food rich in complex carbohydrates like peas, whole grains, beans, and vegetables such as sweet potatoes and yams.

If you eat the ordinary loaf of white bread, switch to complex carb-rich whole wheat bread. The taste takes some getting used to, but it’s a great snack if you’re feeling a bit tired. If you’re just too busy to prepare any fresh food for the day, call a meal prep service to order the nutritious food you need.

Protein is more associated with building muscle, but it’s also a great source of energy. Apart from strengthening your body, excess proteins create calories that your body consumes to function. It keeps these calories as fat when they’re not in use. Speaking of fat, healthy ones from food are also helpful in keeping you perky while working. Fats produce twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates. Just make sure you’re eating food with healthy fat and protein like salmon or chicken breasts.

Nutritionist doctor

Drinking More Water

It’s tempting to drink a shot of espresso or Red Bull when you’re feeling sluggish. But you don’t have to go outside and spend to get your fix. You might not be drinking enough water. Fatigue and dizziness are one of the major symptoms of dehydration. A quick trip to the pantry’s water dispenser should do the trick. You should drink about 11 to 15 cups of water a day to keep you hydrated and ready for your tasks.

Doing Mini-Exercises

Exercising while you’re tired might seem contradictory, but it actually increases your energy. Walking around the room can give you a boost. A 2008 study from the University of Georgia showed that low-intensity exercise may reduce tiredness by about 65%. This paper, published in the Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics journal, measured data from 36 participants.

These volunteers were people who had persistent symptoms of fatigue. They didn’t exercise regularly, either. The volunteers were split into three groups — one group did moderate-intensity exercises (exercise bikes), another did low-intensity ones (fast-paced walking), and the rest didn’t exercise at all. Those who did low and moderate-intensity routines had a 20% increase in energy levels. The former had their fatigue levels decrease by over 65%. So the next time you feel groggy in the afternoon, try going up and down the stairs for a bit.

Getting tired is a normal thing, especially if you find it hard to get the right amount of sleep. The next time you’re low on juice, fill up on healthy carbohydrates like wheat bread. Wash it all down with a tall glass of water, too. And if you’re still sleepy, try to walk it out until you’re re-energized. When your habits are healthy, you’ll always have enough energy.

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