Too Many Employees, Too Little Space?

active workplace

Business expansion doesn’t always work for a company. Even big companies have had problems entering foreign markets due to the difference in lifestyle and preferences. Sometimes, religion is also the reason they have to pull back.

It’s understandable if you’re hesitant to rent a bigger office or to expand and make renovations to accommodate more people. While you’re undecided, your company needs may be continuing to grow. Let these help you fulfill the growing demand without fully committing to the expansion just yet:

Rent an Office

Businesses in New York are used to unconventional work situations. It’s home to many Millennial businesses that it’s just hard to box them inside the four walls of a boring office. It’s even harder to keep them satisfied within a cramped workspace.

This is why companies are considering the option to rent a workspace in NYC for some of their employees. You may choose to assign one department to work in this external site, selecting the group that will benefit most. Smaller companies may also use this option if they’re in the process of updating their office, but don’t want to disrupt business operations.

Work from Home

work at home

You don’t always need your employees to be around just so they can do their jobs. You may have a full office on a regular day, but they’re not able to meet the demand, so you hire more. The answer isn’t an immediate switch to a bigger and more expensive office, especially if the growth in your company may be a seasonal one.

As you’re waiting to see how the demand will continue once the season is over, let some of your employees have the option to work from home. Those who have families may consider this an incentive to spend a little more time with their children instead of being stuck in traffic.

You’ll want those who have a good track record in the company to call first dibs, as new hires still do not know much about the company culture and may have trouble fitting in if they don’t come into the office and communicate with everyone.

Work in Shifts

Sending half the company to work at home may become a problem if there are not enough managers coming in when their team is around. A better choice is to work in shifts, which essentially reduces the number of employees coming in at a time. This frees up resources for new hires to use, without losing control of everyone’s performance.

Remote work is a good option for a short period — let’s say no more than two weeks at a time. For anything longer than that, or even a permanent setup in case you’re dealing with clients from different time zones, shifts are the better alternative. Note that this means employees have to rearrange certain aspects of their life, so give them ample time to adjust.

Not having a bigger office is not a reason to stop expanding. You just have to use the office space you have wisely.

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